1. In what country and University are you studying?
I am currently at the end of double degree between Centria UAS and Management Center Innsbruck (MCI), Austria. I have finished all courses and internship in Austria. I am working on my thesis in MCI.
2. In what Study program are you studying at Centria?
I was studying Environmental Chemistry & Technology in Centria UAS when I started the double degree program with MCI.
3. What are the courses like at the host University?
In MCI, the double degree student continues their study with courses in fourth semester of Environmental, Process and Energy Engineering Program. The study contents in MCI focus on environmental, process and energy engineering. Courses in electrical, automation, biological engineering and industrial economy are generally provided. There are theoretical courses and laboratory courses. Student usually have theoretical lecture in between 8 am-17 pm, sometimes until 8 pm 45. We have schedule from Monday to Friday, sometimes Saturday. Theoretical courses usually have evaluation by final exams and attendance of at least 75-80%. Entering long time lecture without prepare can cause “instant distraction” and sometimes “sleepy syndrome”. Courses in MCI focus on practical theory and mathematic solutions. Therefore, handling all exercise and calculations give better understanding and better evaluation.
Laboratory course usually have theoretical classes, then student have exam before having lab work. Student should submit lab report in group after 4-6 weeks since having lab work. Laboratory course have evaluation by exam grade, lab reports and attendance of 100%. Laboratory work is organized in few days with many experiments, so student should be prepared carefully before and after lab day. MCI have stricts rules to write lab reports, and student must follow. Extra course (German language, study method, MCI badges, etc) are introduced with fees.
4. Describe the study culture?
In MCI, the course content is pretty “STEM” to me. We solve many calculations and think about logical solution for practical engineering problem. Exchange student have much work to do in their courses and study individually in other to understand some previous courses in MCI. Group work is only evaluated by outcome reports, which is hard to evaluate each member effort. In one semester, we have around 6-10 courses and much work to do. Though, I like challenging topics and professional approach of lecturer. MCI have good business courses that provide me understanding on industrial economy and basic management.
5. What is your study group like?
We have about 20-30 students in class, where exchange students are about 4-5 students. As I study with some exchange students in group of Austria student under stress of study, I found it not easy to integrate with local student. Exchange student and local student usually miscommunicate because of language and culture barriers. This culture bump lead to difficult in study and work at the beginning. However, it become more efficient when I can communicate and work with one friend in class after 1 semester. Though the course is in English, international students usually work together in group work, as local student refers to work together and got introduction in German. Though, positive competition in class make my study more challenging.
6. Please describe what the everyday life is like in your host country? What do you like in particular?
My everyday life is quite busy with lecture in university from morning 8 am until 17 pm. After class, I often stay in MCI 4 lobby to study on computer or MCI library to work with teammate. Then I go for grocery, which usually close at 8pm in weekday and 6pm on Saturday. Canisianum student home provide me gym and playroom, which I usually spend my nighttime working out.
Nights in Innsbruck is peaceful and beautiful for jogging or hanging out with friends. I like Innsbruck as a young and dynamic city, where student population is more than 20%. Students have night out or party on Wednesday and Friday. ESN (Erasmus student network) holds many events that I met many interesting friends. We still cherish our time together in Innsbruck. There are many tourist attractions around city, and interesting events.
7. What has been challenging? Why?
The study in MCI is challenging for me at beginning. After 3 semesters in MCI, I realized German language for communication is what I needed, and I would have better connection with my classmates and better experience in Austria.
For me, communication with professor in MCI is a challenge too. The course challenging is depending on lecturer. Some lecturer did not prepare slide in fully English or partly in German, make it hard to follow. Some lecturer is too emotional in classroom, make me confuse a bit. Professors in MCI are also busy with research project or their project along lecturing, therefore, students have limited time with professor. I should have questions in classroom. This was a challenge for me, because I must individually handle both work from course and my personal interested field. Demand work for course and my interest is uneven, make course work less important and more enforced to do.
Finding internship in Austria is challenging for foreigner. In other to have work contract, there are legal requirement and language barriers for me.
8. What has been the highlight of your exchange so far?
Before I started my exchange, I left a letter at Centria UAS written down 3 goals in my exchange. I happy that I am on my track to pursue these goals. All other experiences are amazingly valuable to me. In short, the highlights of my exchange are unexpected friends I lost and found, winter sports and a chance to live like a real Innsbrucker.