Wednesday, 15 March 2017


Blogging is to write about situations and topics from a contextual but also more personal point of view. Blogs are updated regularity and are usually open to the public. Blogs can be personal, but also open to groups.
Our blog is an educational blog, where we share knowledge and reflections and learn together from each other.

Blog posts in our blog need to stick to the topic and the questions. Write in your own way, but with correct language and full sentences.

Reflection means to write about one's thoughts, feelings and opinions. Write your posts so that you use full sentences and correct language.

Ethics: Remember to respect others when writing in the blog. Writing about others in a negative manner is absolutely not allowed. When commenting others posts, write in an encouraging manner.

To get started: 

In order to write in this blog, you need to provide me with you gmail account so that I can add you to the blog. Send your g-mail account to

After that I will invite you to the blog.

After you accept the invitation, you can start writing in the blog.

To write a post, click new post. Add the suggested title and labels (in the right hand-side). After that you can just start writing :-)

You can save the post and continue another time. Your post will be seen in the blog when you push publish! Check always what the post looks like in preview and make modifications if needed. You can also modify already published posts by opening the post and pushing "update".


1. Introduce yourself and tell us at least one thing you want to learn while studying or working abroad
2. Add a picture of yourself. If you do not want to add a picture, add a drawing or something that describes you!
3. Put in labels, your first and last name e.g. Linda Krokfors
4. Comment on at least one post of a fellow student!

Have your post done in March 2017, so that we have a chance to get to know you before our next meeting. 

Learning objective:
- Learn basics about blogging and how to make a post and how to comment in a blog.

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