Students going abroad form Centria are recommended to take the Training course for studies or work placement abroad course, that leads to 2 ECTS credits. This is how the course is organized.
Pre-departure: The learning path starts with the Pre-departure training, part one (1). This workshop is organized twice a year, in October or March yearly. Pre-departure training part two (2) is also organized twice, In November/December or April yearly.
During Exchange: You will do two assignments during your exchange, that will help you integrate into the new environment, as well as give us and future exchange students information about your host University or work placement. The assignments are due before your return to Centria.
Return: Return workshops are organized in connection with the pre-departure training courses. There is also a return workshop in August yearly.
Fun, together and engaging - Strengthens your self-esteem and so much more.
Formal learning objective:
- Student can explain the basics of intercultural development and global competence.
- The student can be effective in the new host country by being successful in studies or work placement and has made connections (friends)
- The student is more aware of him/herself and can analyze, reflect and communicate cultrual learning and global cmpetence
- The student can communicate to other students and employers, what characteristics and competences he/she has developed.
- You will have Pre-assignments before your exchange, that will help you prepare for your period abroad.
Focus is also on Intercultural development
- These are two during exchange assignements.
- No separate assignment for the return workshop
Participation in three meetings. Pre-departure training 1, Pre-departure training 2 and the return workshop
Completion of the Assignments
Sharing to other students about your experience
Pass or fail
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