Your time abroad has probably been diversified; with many joyful moments but some periods of difficulty usually pops in. The second assignment is an analysis of a "cultural bump" that you have experienced during your time abroad. In this assignment, you can with time look in more detail into a cultural difference (bump) that hopefully helps you understand it better. The cultural bump doesn't have to be something negative, it can also be a positive norm in the host culture.
I want you to Describe, Interpret and Evaluate (D-I-E) a situation that you found perhaps unexpected or different to what you are used to. Focus on the different stages, and please separate the post so that you firstly Describe, then Interpret and lastly Evaluate.

1. DESCRIBE: Think of one episode that you think was unusual/different from a cultural perspective. It doesn't have to be anything negative, it can also be something you really like in the host culture. Describe the object or situation in concrete, observable terms. What happened in the interaction? What was said? What did you see? What did you feel at the moment?
2. INTERPRET: Think of possible explanations (interpretations) for what you observed or experienced. From your cultural perspective, try to explain why you think this situation or experience occurred? Try to find at least 3 different interpretations of the interaction or occurrence. What cultural information have you used to produce these interpretations?
3. EVALUATE: Evaluate what you observed or experienced. What positive or negative feelings do you have regarding the situation? Consider how you might feel if you were a member of the host culture and held the dominant cultural values and beliefs?
Format: Blog post
Title: D-I-E + name of host country (e.g. D-I-E Venezuela)
Label: D-I-E, your name, country (e.g. D-I-E, Linda Krokfors, Venezuela
Picture: add at least one appropriate picture
Deadline: Do the task as a blog post and post it latest 3 months after the start of your exchange.
Peer commenting: Comment on at least two other posts
Please make a thorough post, writing with full sentences and with thought. Separate Describe, Interpret and Evaluate, so that you write about them in different sections. Read other students posts as well and comment.
Good luck!
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