Saturday, 24 August 2019

D-I-E France

I think I can about many cultural and episodes that are different from my culture and finnish culture in general but one that stand over all of the them was the manifestations and protest across the country regarding the taxes that were increased in the country.


People started to organized to protest on the rise of taxes that the state was imposing. People first started talking about it and then expressing their disagreement till the point where non centralized groups started to appear with a common thing and idea. They characterize for using a yellow vest and to go on protest across the country with different activities till the extreme point of burning cars, business destruction, confrontation with the authorities and city destruction in general. People were in expressing that those taxes in the rise of fuels where affecting small businesses and country side people that had no other way to travel and do their affairs without a vehicle compare to the people in the big cities with other means of transportation like metro and buses. 

I manage to see close friends in France that were affected by these taxes and they shared with me their perspectives in how the state didn't look beforehand in the consequences that this decisions where carrying out. I didn't know what to feel as I have never experience in first hand something like this in my life inside Mexico and Finland. I was just thinking about different ways of protesting and different ways to find a solution to all this. 


I think and I know people were really tired of the amount of taxes they have to pay as it looks they were affecting the life of people with low incomes that had no means to go through their daily life.  Also I could see that French culture is characterized to stand for their rights and express their nonconformity with the situations in the country. I try to explain to myself that the only way to reach the government and public attention was to go down to the path of extreme means and actions and that is way many business, cars and material things as well as confrontation with police took place in the protests.  


In a way and with non intentions of being close to the situation and ended up living the events and experience everything really close. I had to travel to Paris for a university event where Centria was present and we as students of the university were going to help. I traveled by train with two other students from Finland, the first event took place when police stopped me to search and check all my luggage because of their concerned I might be going to Paris to protest and they wanted to be sure I was not carrying any dangerous materials or tools. I explained them that I was a student from Mexico representing a Finnish institute and that's when they calmed down but of course I could feel the tense environment and their efforts to control everything around the country as authorities. When we arrived to Paris we found out hundreds of Police officers guarding the railway stations and street sidewalks around the city, they stopped me one more time to check my backpack and my documents. I have to point out that this have never happened to me in Mexico or Finland. Of course I felt a bit uncomfortable but I kept my nerves as I knew they were doing their job. I didn't have a negative or positive feeling but just a neutral feeling of being a third party and casualty of the events. Not long after that we were able to witnessed how 10 police cars just stopped in a fast action to detained three persons in the street, we could see they were heavily armed and that was a bit shocking even though in my country we have sometimes the presence of the army in our street but of course in Finland this is not the case. We walked away and then we found the manifestation in our way to the university event we were trying to assist. Police stopped us again to ask about our intentions and they gave us orders to walk in a different direction to avoid the conflict.

When we went out of our event with Centria it was night and the protests were all over the city we saw burning cars and people fighting with the police, most of the people were covering their faces and they were breaking windows and shouting they non conformity with the regulations of the state. 

At the end I can imagine myself in the shoes of those people but also is hard to fully understand the situations. I could see and understand how this regulations affect people with no means to live their life because the state is asking them to pay more taxes and of course as the situation grows the people run out of tools to convince the state of taking a different approach. In the other way around I can't imagine myself doing or protesting in the way these people were but I guess is because I have never been in the edge of something affecting my life till the point I can't no longer live with dignity.

I hope this was not to dark for other students in the blog with intentions to travel but I have to say that these things happen all across the globe in one way or another and it is important to be informed and to take it easy in an objective way.

1 comment:

  1. This type of thing is, unfortunately, becoming more and more popular in the world now, even in Europe. This is an important factor to keep in mind to all who wish to step outside their own comfort zones.
