Sunday, 25 August 2019

D-I-E - France

The most unusual and quite frankly, terrible thing that happened during my experience was that I had my electricity cut from my apartment for 10 days. One day I come home from school and I try to turn on the lights, but they don’t seem to work, at that moment I just assumed that the bulb had gone out, so I let it be. Then I proceeded to get something from my fridge and noticed that the lights did not work there either, at this moment I realized that I don’t have any electricity. I immediately tried to call the electric company EDF, and they told me that the residence manager in my student residence had cut it, they were baffled by the occurrence as well, since it was without reason, I had paid my rent, my electric bills and everything, but for some unknown reason this happened, they then offered an appointment for the electrician to come and put my electricity back on on a designated day, but the electrician never showed up, in total I had to make three appointments and call them numerous times each day over the 10 day period. I couldn’t believe that this could happen. I felt absolutely furious and I demanded reimbursements for all the cold showers I had to take, and the food that I had to throw away. In the end the electrician came and I got my electricity back, and the electric company also paid for the trouble they had caused.

Fortunately there was a common room
where I could charge my laptop and phone.
The reason why this happened is still unknown, when I tried to confront the residence manager about it, she was clueless as well, and she then put the blame on the electric company, even though the electric company told me that she was the one who cut the electricity. One theory that I had was that perhaps she meant to cut the electricity from another apartment and accidentally cut mine but was too proud to admit it was her mistake. Or, it could have also been some kind of a bug in the system of the electric company, or maybe the electric company had made the accident, because I did find an envelope in my mailbox saying that they will cut the electricity from my apartment on a designated day, it will forever remain a mystery. And the funny part is that I could have prevented it if I just had checked my mailbox on a daily basis.

It was not the most pleasant 10 days of my life for sure, and honestly I was quite depressed and angry during that period, but on the other hand, I began to appreciate the fact that I still had a roof over my head, and that I shouldn’t take these kinds of things for granted. When I told my French friends about this, they were less surprised about it than my Finnish friends for example, what I have understood from the French culture is that if you really want things to work, you must complain, a lot.

1 comment:

  1. With a little bit of insight into French culture, I know the French to have much more of a ''laissez faire'' attitude i.e, they really don't care (much) especially if it doesn't affect them. It's great you were able to get some compensation for your troubles and I hope you can keep the positives from the whole debacle with you.
