Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Pre-assingnment for session on 13.12.2017 (Pre-departure training, part 2)

Dear students,

Welcome to the pre-departure training, part 2, on Wednesday 13.12 from 9:00-13:00 in Pauha 1.

We will focus in this session in the upcoming exchange. You will meet other students who have been studying abroad. We will seek to understand what intercultural development and global competence really is so that you can integrate and be effective in the new environment.
The material for the class can be found here: Pre-departure trainining material 13 December 2018

Pre-assignment for 13.12.2017
You have a pre-assignment related to the Development model of Intercultural Sensitivity. Please watch the video before hand, so you understand what it is all about, and do the assignment before class. We will go through the assignment in class.

You can, alongside, read this material "Strategies for developing intercultural competence" from R. Michael Page, Maximizing study abroad. (Found also in Optima).  

The video and material goes through the theory, stage by stage and gives examples.

This explains Bennett's stages of intercultural sensitivity.

To do before class:

1. Please reflect upon every stage of the intercultural sensitivity model. 
      What thoughts and reflections does a person have when she/he experiences something new from a cultural aspect, when she/he is in the a. denial stage, b. defense stage  c. minimization stage, d. acceptance stage, e. adaptation stage and e. integration? 
      Explain how a person feels, reacts or thinks in all the different stages, when experiencing a cultural difference.

2. In what stage are you, right now?

3. Why do we need to be culturally competent?

Write down notes for yourself, so that you can discuss the theory, the stages and your own perspective in class.

Learning objective: 
Understanding what intercultural sensitivity is and understanding the intercultural sensitivity model. 
Understanding the different stages.
Self-assessment and reflection of the different stages - recognizing in what stage you are in this model.
Understanding why intercultural competence and intercultural sensitivity is useful.

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