Friday, 30 March 2018

Describe - Interpret - Evaluate

1. DESCRIBE: Think of one episode that has left you confused or that you think was strange/different. Describe the object or situation in concrete, observable terms. What happened in the interaction? What was said? What did you see? What did you feel at the moment?
Making this task seemed rather difficult as Danish behavior is very close to Finns. However, one thing has been different in comparison to how Finns communicate. During the conversation one may touch someones shoulder or back for a moment. Another student came to talk to me and touched my shoulder. She greeted me at the same time. It felt a little bit strange. Because in Finland we usually have our own personal space and we dont touch each other during the conversation.

2. INTERPRET: Think of possible explanations (interpretations) for what you observed or experienced. From your cultural perspective, try to explain why you think this situation or experience occurred? Try to find at least 3 different interpretations of the interaction or occurrence. What cultural information have you used to produce these interpretations?  
I think that a person just wanted to be friendly because we were both students. it can also be a habit to touching someone's shoulder or arm when talking or making a point. Maybe Danes are more open than the Finns. In Denmark touching during conversations is a sign of intimacy, so if you are very close with someone so maybe she think that we are good friends. I think also that personal space depends on how well you know the person. And I had been discussing with her several times before.

3. EVALUATE: Evaluate what you observed or experienced. What positive or negative feelings do you have regarding the situation? Consider how you might feel if you were a member of the host culture and held the dominant cultural values and beliefs?
First it felt a little strange, but when I thought of it I realized that she wanted to be just kind. I also heard from other students similar experiences and I thought it was fine. If I had been a Danish I think it would have been more familiar to me. On the other hand, if I had not known this person, it would still have seemed strange. I red that touching during conversations is a sign of intimacy, so if you are very close with someone, it is normal, otherwise it can be construed as insincere, invasive or out of place.  

 Pictures from the lake called Søndersø.

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