Saturday, 3 March 2018

D-I-E a good old Scotland by Jesse Petäjä

D-I-E a good old Scotland

I have no specific episode on my mind right now, but there are lots of minor differences in general between Scotland and Finland. Like I really had to consecrate when I was crossing the street, because the flow of traffic in UK is opposite comparing to rest of the Europe. When we were having guests in our flat, they never took their shoes off, and as a Finnish person, I just think that’s vulgar. And the most absurd thing was the food they served in their school. Pizza, fries, everything greasy and salty, those poor growing younglings. At the moment of the great food discovery, I felt really thankful about the food that is served in Finnish schools.

For the fast-food served in Scottish schools I can’t find reasonable explanation, sure the healthier food maybe is more expensive, but come on, don’t save the money on that. The left sided traffic is not huge mystery, because there is no actual reason why traffic should be right sided. There are really no any advantages on that ether. It’s just the way people have settled. And why would somebody keep shoes while being indoors? That’s just terribly unhygienic, think about it; when walking outside, you can step on anything, also there was lot of dogs at the campus area, soo... you guess it… yep, THAT, comes inside too with your sneakers.

What I really observed, was great views, kind and fun people and their weird habits, although I’m little sad that I was not staying in a host family. I would have experienced so much more these “weird habits”. One negative thing from the trip: School food. And one positive thing: People, I loved the way how nobody really didn’t know each other, but I still got asked for whole day lasting trips. Like “Highland Games” all the way up north and such.

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