Wednesday, 21 March 2018

D-I-E South Korea

1. DESCRIBE: Think of one episode that has left you confused or that you think was strange/different. Describe the object or situation in concrete, observable terms. What happened in the interaction? What was said? What did you see? What did you feel at the moment?

Once, we faced such a problem that during a group work with Koreans, they preferred to use their mother language, not English. First it was confusing and felt a little bit offended, because we couldn't follow the progress of our work and understand what is going on. Sometimes they were explaining us something, when they saw our sight full of misunderstanding. After some time, we started to remind that we don't speak Korean and also would like to participate in this work. They apologized, but after a while they could start again and we had to remind once more.  

2. INTERPRET: Think of possible explanations (interpretations) for what you observed or experienced. From your cultural perspective, try to explain why you think this situation or experience occurred? Try to find at least 3 different interpretations of the interaction or occurrence. What cultural information have you used to produce these interpretations?  

In our opinion, the reason of such situation is lack of confidence in English skills and that it is easier for them to speak in their mother language. From our cultural and personal perspective, this was quite impolitely and disappointing. But we think that it can be acceptable since we can improve our basic Korean language skills and lead to better understanding of Korean culture. We knew before that Koreans don't have good English skills and are quite shy to speak it, so we were prepared for such situations. 

3. EVALUATE: Evaluate what you observed or experienced. What positive or negative feelings do you have regarding the situation? Consider how you might feel if you were a member of the host culture and held the dominant cultural values and beliefs?

During this situation, we had a negative feeling of discomfort and incomprehension. We would feel comfortable if we were a member of host culture, because this language is naturally easier to speak in. So, we can understand why they behave like this and accepted it.     

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